
We believe that professional development is a continuous process, and that’s why we regularly conduct workshops for our teachers. These workshops are aimed at helping our teachers improve their skills, stay up-to-date with the latest teaching methodologies, and enhance their knowledge of their respective subjects.

Our workshops cover a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:

  1. Innovative Teaching Techniques: This workshop focuses on introducing new teaching methods that can be used in the classroom to enhance student engagement and improve learning outcomes.
  2. Assessment Strategies: This workshop is aimed at helping teachers develop effective assessment strategies that can measure students’ learning progress and identify areas for improvement.
  3. Classroom Management: This workshop focuses on providing teachers with strategies for managing classroom behaviour, improving student motivation, and creating a positive learning environment.
  4. Technology Integration: This workshop is aimed at helping teachers integrate technology into their teaching practice to improve student engagement and learning outcomes.
  5. Subject-specific Workshops: These workshops are designed to enhance teachers’ knowledge of their respective subjects and provide them with new ideas and strategies for teaching their subjects effectively.

Our workshops are conducted by experienced and qualified professionals who have years of experience in teaching and conducting teacher training programs. We also invite guest speakers from time to time to provide our teachers with new perspectives and insights.

We believe that our regular workshops will help our teachers stay motivated, improve their teaching skills, and ultimately benefit our students. We encourage all our teachers to participate in these workshops and take advantage of this opportunity for professional development.